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Diverse Learning Needs

The individual learning needs of each student is recognised and supported at Nazareth. An important premise underpinning learning at Nazareth, is the understanding that each child learns at an individual rate with individual learning styles.


A number of programs exist to support students who require additional learning support.

Most notable of these is the Reading Recovery program offered to eligible Year 1 students. Reading Recovery is an early intervention reading and writing series of lessons. It provides intensive, individual help for children having difficulty in reading and writing after their first year of schooling, and is designed to supplement quality classroom literacy instruction.

MiniLit (Meeting Initial Needs In Literacy) is an intervention program delivered to small groups of students who have not made expected progress in reading and writing. It is a program consisting of carefully structured and sequenced lessons. Students meet with a specially trained teacher up to five times a week for an hour session. They participate in an explicit and systematic program that looks at phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.

Case Collaboration exists to identify any children who may require long term specialist assistance or intervention.

The school's Learning Centre is also an integral part of the Nazareth learning community and provides specialised instruction to students with identified cognitive needs. Identified students attend the Learning Centre for instruction primarily in Literacy and Numeracy in a supported environment.


Enrichment activities are provided in all classes on a daily basis. Opportunities for involvement in external enrichment activities are available in a number of areas.

Students from various stages are encouraged to be involved in any of the following enrichment activities, including:

  • School and Diocesan Public Speaking Competitions
  • School and Diocesan Writing Competitions
  • University of NSW Mathematics Competitions
  • University of NSW English and Writing Competitions
  • University of NSW Science & Computer Skills Competitions
  • Diocesan and State Sporting Events
  • Wakakirri
  • School Choirs
  • Eisteddfod
  • Student Representative Council
  • Coding Club

For more information, view our CEDoW Diverse Learning Needs Policy